UbiBrowser: known and predicted human ubiquitin ligase (E3) - substrate interaction

(Notice: UbiBrowser will be moved to new url: http://ubibrowser.ncpsb.org.cn)

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UbiBrowser is a resource of known and predicted human ubiquitin ligase (E3) - substrate interaction network.

The E3-substrate interactions are derived from six data sources: mannual cruration, protein ortholog, protein domain, protein motif and network topology.

A computational framework is used to to combine multiple biological evidences to generate a confidence score using Naïve Bayesian Network. 397,496 predicted and mannually crurated human E3-substrate can be explored in the current version. More..

UbiBrowser has been developed at Beijing proteome research center (BPRC).

Browser compatibility: we support the latest versions of the Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer (version 10 and 11).

Chrome is the recommended browser.

Notice: UbiBrowser will be moved to new url: http://ubibrowser.ncpsb.org.cn

Comments and questions please send e-mail to liyang_bprc@163.com

Please cite:
Wang X, Li Y, He M, Kong X, Jiang P, Liu X, Diao L, Zhang X, Li H, Ling X, Xia S, Liu Z, Liu Y, Cui C, Wang Y, Tang L, Zhang L, He F, and Li D. UbiBrowser 2.0: a comprehensive resource for proteome-wide ubiquitin ligase/deubiquitinase-substrate interactions in eukaryotic species. Nucleic Acids Research. 2022, 50: D719–D728. Link to NAR website    BioArtMED news (Chinese)

#2015.04.01 UbiBrowser was onlined at Apr.1 2015

#2015.07.01 UbiBrowser can be used to predict the substrates for a query E3.

#2017.08.24 The article of UbiBrowser was published on Nature Communications.

This work is funded by the:

Program of International S&T Cooperation (2014DFB30020)
National Natural Science Foundation of China (31271407)
Chinese National Key Program of Basic Research (2012CB910300)


Number of all E3-substrate interactions380,546
Number of E3-substrate interactions from literature1,315
Number of predicted High confidence E3-substrate interactions14,419
Number of predicted E3 recognizing motifs10,480
Number of predicted E3 substrate interacting domain pairs3,856